You may have spotted some of our team around today sporting some pink, don’t we all look fabulous? From our hair all the way down to our pink sock cladded feet.

Wear it Pink is something we take part in annually here at Bray & Slaughter to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. Behind the fun of playing dress up the money raised is used to help carry out research and support those affected by Breast Cancer.

Head over to their website to donate ->

The rain stayed away for our site tour of Whitchurch yesterday, when we welcomed Naomi Logan from the West of England Combined Authority and Mairead McLoughlin and Sam Porter from Bristol City Council’s South Bristol Talent Pathway Project. 

The tour was followed by a meeting to discuss the South Bristol Talent Pathway Project (SBTaPP) and the benefits it has brought to the B&S business.

Our thanks to all who attended and offered their experiences of engaging in learning, skills and employment days and supporting local community events in the city of Bristol. All of which was made possible by the SBTaPP team.

We look forward to welcoming our visitors back to site upon completion of the project.

It was great to take part in the speed networking event at Oasis Academy Brightstowe with a group of year 11 students this morning. The students interviewing us exuded confidence and enthusiasm, despite nerves for their upcoming physics exam.

A very well organised event and we look forward to continuing our efforts in educating young people on potential career options within the construction industry.

Hunger hurts, it damages mental and physical health, it lowers performance in school and at work, and the strain it causes can tear families apart. Hunger contributes to many social ills, from domestic violence to drug use to theft.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, how old you are, what your background is or anything else – hunger doesn’t discriminate in anyway……….. enter stage left the Withywood Centre Carpenters Foodbank.

This community project has been serving local people for 10 years and is an essential part of the local area, relied upon by hundreds of Clients. During last month the food bank served over 623 people which is their highest in 10 years.

The organisation is reliant upon donations from members of the public, local churches, schools, supermarkets and local businesses.

This is a fantastic project, and it was great for two members of the B&S team, Helen and Zoe to volunteer yesterday. The team sorted out the Christmas room arranging an array of food into categories and sorting toys for babies and children and adult gifts for men and women.

You will see from these photos that the top shelf is completely empty, this is normally brimming which is another example of the effect the cost of living crisis is having on these critical community organisations.

There are many ways in which you can support the food bank, from volunteering to providing food/drink essentials.

Please visit the Withywood Centre Carpenters Foodbank Facebook page ( ) for ways in which you can support.

Helen said: “It was a pleasure to meet with Tracey, Mary, Debbie and the rest of her team and a real privilege to be able to support this community project and their dedicated support staff and volunteers”.

We had fun in the B&S office raising valuable funds for “Wear It Pink” for Breast Cancer Now and highlighting the importance of checking your breasts!

Breast Cancer does not stop for anything. This year alone 55,000 women and 370 men in the UK will hear the words “it’s breast cancer” and around 11,500 women and 80 men will die from it. This is why raising awareness is so important.

Every year B&S supports the charity and this year was no exception with the business raising over £80.00 just by eating cake.

Well done everyone for doing your part raising awareness of this cause.

Great to see the 1st stage of the construction process underway with the piling rig arriving on site at 601 Whitchurch Lane to improve the bearing capacity of the ground with vibro stone columns. 

Our specialist local piling sub-contractor Ge-Mech is proceeding well with this critical element of works which at times has had to be completed out of hours and at weekends to accommodate the activities of local businesses.

Upon completion a total of 309 stone piles will have been laid across the site and 340T of stone will have been re-used from the original site clearance to support the improvement of the ground conditions.

Next up foundations!