1st December 2022

Wellness Wednesdays

On Wellness Wednesday our Mental Health First Aiders ran a series of Mental Health Clinics with the 1st one taking place at our site in 601 Whitchurch Lane.

Supporting mental health in the workplace is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessity. Creating wellness solutions to help our employees and our supply chain thrive is the first step.

The days of not talking about mental health are gone. Or, at least they should be. Positive mental health is important because it allows individuals to cope with challenges, even good ones, and setbacks in their lives, both at work and at home.

We are looking forward to opening up the conversation and continuing to support mental health at work.

The second in the series of Mental Health Clinics was located at The Courts. These fully confidential sessions are carried out by both Tyrone and Helen our fully trained and qualified Mental Health First Aiders.

Mental health is just as essential as physical health. Normalizing the conversation about mental health empowers people to talk and get the help they need.